RUA Arquitetos
Pedro Évora
Pedro Rivera
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Established in 2008 by Pedro Évora and Pedro Rivera, Rua Arquitetos bets on innovative ideas to serve its customers. The company has been recognised through publications and awards, having participated in exhibitions at MoMA (NY, 2014), MAK (Vienna, 2015), Carnegie Museum of Arts (Pittsburgh, 2016), MAM São Paulo (2017); in addition to the architectural biennials of Hong Kong-Shenzhen (2013), Chicago (2015), Venice (2016/18) and Lisbon Triennial (2016). Among its projects are the Rio 2016 Olympic Golf Course Clubhouse, the Carpintaria and Babilônia 1500 art galleries and Audi Brasil dealerships.
Estabelecida em 2008 por Pedro Évora e Pedro Rivera, a Rua Arquitetos aposta em ideias inovadoras para atender seus clientes. A empresa vem tendo sua atuação reconhecida através de publicações e premiações, tendo participado de exposições no MoMA (NY, 2014), MAK (Viena, 2015), Carnegie Museum of Arts (Pittsburgh, 2016), MAM São Paulo (2017); além das bienais de arquitetura de Hong Kong-Shenzhen (2013), Chicago (2015), Veneza (2016/18) e Trienal de Lisboa (2016). Entre seus projetos estão a Sede do Campo Olímpico de Golfe Rio 2016, a galeria de arte Carpintaria e o Audi Center Botafogo.
Pedro Évora iniciou seus estudos em arte em Groningen, na Holanda, em 1995, formou-se em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela FAU-UFRJ em 2003. É mestre em Desenho Urbano pelo PROURB com a pesquisa sobre arquitetura móvel intitulada "Cidade Andaime", publicada em 2013. Foi professor da FAU-UFRJ entre 2007-2011. Desde 2012 é professor da PUC-RJ e Diretor de Arquitetura do Centro de Arte Bela Maré.
Pedro Rivera graduou-se em 1997 na FAU UFRJ e tem mestrado em urbanismo no PROURB UFRJ. Atualmente é professor visitante na GSAPP Columbia University e, de 2011 a 2018, foi diretor do Studio-X Rio, iniciativa da mesma instituição. Foi professor da PUC-Rio e da UNESA.
Rua Arquitetos, established by Pedro Évora and Pedro Rivera in Rio de Janeiro on 2008, is an Architecture company oriented towards innovative solutions for the spatial design. The team experience ranges from the domestic to the urban scale, with focus on spaces for art, creative economy and education, historical and contemporary heritage requalification, temporary installations and exhibition design. Over the past years the firm have been acknowledged on publications and prizes, including the winning entry to design the Rio 2016 Olympic Golf Course Culubhouse design and the participation on the exhibition Uneven Growth, at MoMA NY ( 2014) & MAK Vienna ( 2015), Chicago Architeture Biennial ( 2015), Venice Architecture Biennale ( 2016), Carnegie Museum of Arts (Pittsburgh, 2016) and Lisbon Triannial (2016).
Pedro Évora studied art in Groningen, Holland in 1995, graduated in Architecture and Urbanism in Rio de Janeiro at FAU-UFRJ in 2003 and master science degree in Urban Design at PROURB-FAU UFRJ, where he was professor from 2007-2011. His research on mobile architecture entitled “Scaffolding City” was published on july 2013. Since 2012 is professor at PUC-RJ and Architecture Director of Bela Maré Art Center.
Pedro Rivera graduated in 1997 at FAU UFRJ, has master degree in urban planning from PROURB - UFRJ. Since 2011 is the director of Studio-X Rio, which is part of a global network of laboratories to think the future of cities - GSAPP Columbia University. He was professor of CAU PUC-Rio between 2009 and 2012 and Estacio de Sá University between 2004 and 2008.